Monday, May 14, 2007

Warming world threatens migratory birds

Warming world threatens migratory birds (AP)

Migratory ducks take flight during sunset in Bagaces, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, February 13, 2007. Birds, whales and other migratory creatures are suffering from global warming that puts them in the wrong place at the wrong time, a U.N. official told 166-nation climate talks on Monday. (Juan Carlos Ulate/Reuters)AP - Disoriented by erratic weather, birds are changing migration habits and routes to adjust to warmer winters, disappearing feeding grounds and shrinking wetlands, a migration expert says.

***Initially, they will be affected.  Then, the best of the best will be able to adjust and go on.  Evolution at its best.  Now, should the pace of warming goes dangerously faster than the pace of adjustment, species succumb to extinction. 

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