Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Great Ape Trust of Iowa

Apes to name neighboring trumpeter swans (AP)

In this photo released by Great Ape Trust of Iowa, two trumpeter swans are released at a lake  on the Great Ape Trust's grounds April 3, 2007, in Des Moines, Iowa. The male has a tag around his neck. A group of apes called bonobos will choose names for the swans, whose offspring will be released into the wild (AP Photo/Bob Nandell via Great Ape Trust of Iowa)AP - The eight bonobos at the Great Ape Trust of Iowa howled Tuesday as they watched two trumpeter swans dip into a lake for the first time. Who can blame them? Not only will the apes get new neighbors, they'll get a chance to name the rare birds. "They were very excited," said scientist Karyl Swartz. "It's something new in their environment."

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